Office of Restorative Aquaculture

The Future of Aquaculture at NMI

Northeast Maritime Institute (NMI) is developing comprehensive educational, industry collaboration, and community outreach programing in Restorative Aquaculture. Since the collapse of the New England ground fishing industry, the continuous threat of the diminishing global wild fish stocks, climate change impacts on food production, and community food security concerns, aquaculture offers some viable, responsible, and hopeful restorative solutions to these dire challenges. The NMI associate degree education and training program prepares graduates for entering the aquaculture work force with a regenerative mindset.

Concentration in recirculating aquaculture, fin-fish aquaculture, shellfish aquaculture, or macroalgae will be customized by each student’s passion and directed choice during two summer externships and a final capstone project. The academic program will incorporate extensive daily hands-on, experiential fieldwork on NMI’s two aquaculture farm lease and with our enthusiastic industry partners. A graduate of the NMI Restorative Aquaculture degree program will be fundamentally equipped and have the mindset to enter the aquaculture workforce or matriculate for future study in an undergraduate program, or to start their own aquaculture business.

The summer 5 day “Aquaculture Certificate” program (commencing summer 2022) is a fun, experiential, educational, historical, hands-on aquaculture experience for community participants of all ages (15 years and older) to promote community education and outreach for the public benefit. Key tenets designed into the NMI aquaculture programs are community and industry collaboration and associated benefits as well as environmental responsibility and awareness.

Northeast Maritime Institute (NMI) is developing comprehensive educational, industry collaboration, and community outreach programing in Restorative Aquaculture. Since the collapse of the New England ground fishing industry, the continuous threat of the diminishing global wild fish stocks, climate change impacts on food production, and community food security concerns, aquaculture offers some viable, responsible, and hopeful restorative solutions to these dire challenges. The NMI associate degree education and training program prepares graduates for entering the aquaculture work force with a regenerative mindset. Concentration in recirculating aquaculture, fin-fish aquaculture, shellfish aquaculture, or macroalgae will be customized by each student’s passion and directed choice during two summer externships and a final capstone project. The academic program will incorporate extensive daily hands-on, experiential fieldwork on NMI’s two aquaculture farm lease and with our enthusiastic industry partners. A graduate of the NMI Restorative Aquaculture degree program will be fundamentally equipped and have the mindset to enter the aquaculture workforce or matriculate for future study in an undergraduate program, or to start their own aquaculture business.

The summer 5 day “Aquaculture Certificate” program (commencing summer 2022) is a fun, experiential, educational, historical, hands-on aquaculture experience for community participants of all ages (15 years and older) to promote community education and outreach for the public benefit. Key tenets designed into the NMI aquaculture programs are community and industry collaboration and associated benefits as well as environmental responsibility and awareness.

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